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Cocos nucifera, coconut


(Hits: 86149)

Adonida_merrillii (1)
Roystonea (34)
Notably popular as street or specimen trees, Royal Palms make a neat, tidy, yet stately landscape element for large landscapes, often reaching 50 to 100 feet in height. The tall, cement grey trunks are capped with a glossy, green crown shaft several feet high and a beautiful, broad, dense crown of soft, gently drooping, feathery fronds.
Roystonea regia, Cuban royal palm
Dypsis (4)
Chrysalidocarpus lutescens, areca, Dypsis decaryi, triangle palm
Cocos (14)
Cocos nucifera, coconut
Mascarena (0)
Mascarena lagenicaulis, bottle palm
Ptychosperma (9)
Palms with red fruit.
Ptychosperma macarthurii, Macarthur palm
Pritchardia, loulu (1)

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